Walking with dogs at Sauvie Island, Feb 21st

After two years here in Portland, it was about time I went to Sauvie Island. This island is located where the Willamette and the Columbia River meet. This particular hike was on the northern side of the island so the water you see is from the Columbia River. We met early at the Lucky Lab and drove from there to the wildlife viewing area. Originally I thought this was a rather small island with some beaches and trails, but I was wrong. There’s actually some farm land and small neighborhoods in the island so it’s quite big. After a long drive on the island, we got to the parking lot. From that point, we followed the shoreline, walking on mud most of the time, all the way to the Warrior Rock Lighthouse where we had a light snack while enjoying the views. Being in the north side, the views are quite nice since, among other things, you get a clear view of Mt St Helens. You’ll see in the pictures that it was a great group with a bunch of dogs that had a great time.

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