Work weekend at Nesika, July 12th

Although this was not a hike or camping trip, it’s worth mentioning. This past weekend we drove up to Nesika Lodge and spent the weekend doing some maintenance. After enjoying the lodge more than a couple of times in the past few months, it just made sense to volunteer to do some work. We got there Saturday morning and after unloading everything, I was given a chain saw and sent out to cut trees. I thought this was not a hard thing, but after a while, you get the clear message it is. We did clear a big portion of the mountain cutting off all the smaller underbrush, mostly for fire prevention. While we were hard at work, the girls were in charge of kitchen duties. It was a laborious day that ended with great food. We did go for a hike after that and found ourselves walking thru an orange lit forest that was unreal. We did continue working on Sunday morning until noon when we packed, cleaned and went back home.

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