News and changes to this… blog

So if you’ve noted the date of the posting and the date of the actual hike, you’ve noted that I’m running behind… that’s what work can do to you. But trust me; I’ve made a big effort on keeping you up to date with my adventures. In the works I have one more trip before I’ll be able to post the big trip, the 10 day backpack in Torres del Paine down in the Chilean Patagonia. On that trip I had the misfortune of seeing my camera die. Yes, of all places, it decided to die there. I was lucky that Jocelyn had a camera and was kind to let me use it for some pictures so not all is lost. With that trip posting I’m planning on adding some new stuff on my blog. One of those is a map of the area highlighting the trail or track. If all goes well and I have time, I’ll try to make a catalog with maps of all the hikes I’ve done in the past (wish me luck). Yes, it’s a big task and it will take a lot of time but all projects start like that, with an idea. The other thing I’m thinking of adding is a tab where I can talk about gear. At first it will be the gear I have, what I like or why I hate it but further along I might be able to talk about other stuff as well.
So there you go. Let me know if you like the idea or have any comments. I would love to hear those.

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