Silver Falls State Park, Jan 15th

About once a year we try to have a hike leader meeting where al the current hike leaders in our group (The Portland Hiking Meetup Group) get together to discuss things about the group and the future. This time, we decided to rent a couple of cabins at Silver Falls State Park for our meeting and also as a weekend getaway. Being January, read middle of the winter, we expected it to be a bit cold and maybe some rain. Well, that week we had record rainfall so it literally poured the whole weekend. We were able to have our meeting and with just a couple of brave souls, we did the 10 mile hike around the park that goes by all 10 waterfalls. The scenery was spectacular as half of the park was completely submerged in fog and rain but what made this even better was the amount of water. I’ve been in this park at least a couple of times and some of the waterfalls sometimes just trickle a bit of water. This time, the water level was high enough that it was actually flooding parts of the trail. As you’ll see in the pictures, besides low light and mostly grey tones, the scenery is still amazing.

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