Huckleberry Mountain, Mar 20th

It’s funny how things happen sometimes. AS you have probably noticed in my stories, I try to do something new every time. This time was no difference, so I did my normal research, looked at the weather, searched for maps, directions, printed my topo and went on my way thinking I was going to discover a new place. As I we were driving to the parking lot where the trailhead is, I started having a déjà-vu moment. I thought, well, maybe there’s another hike I did around here. But that feeling grew stronger as we started on a trail that quickly climbs to the ridge of the mountain. By then, it was clear to me that I had done this trail before but I was still baffled because it was not in my list. Everything cleared up when one of the hikers, Sean, told me he was with me that first time (I was not leading) and that he recalled that we were not able to go all the way to the ridgeline due to snow. He also recalled that the leader had called this hike Boulder Ridge which is the name of the trail that leads to Huckleberry Mountain. The good thing is that this time around, we were able to get to the top and see what we missed the first time. The hike was very well worth it and since we got there in record time (much faster than what I had expected) we took a long lunch before heading back down.

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