Snowshoeing at Tilly Jane, Jan 4th

You might be wondering what happened after table mountain that there were no reports of new hikes or anything. Well, if you don’t live in the Northwest you probably don’t know we had a winter storm and really cold weather for more than a couple of days. That made it impossible to head out to the mountains, in fact, with all the snow we had, you could go snowshoeing out in the parking lot! After a couple of weeks with poor road conditions, it was vacation time so finally, after nearly a month, I’m back and out. So here’s the first trip of the year. We went with a small group to Tilly Jane, a trail in the Mount Hood area near Cooper Spur. It was a very nice uphill trail towards a cabin that is maintained by users. As you’ll see in the pictures, this is an area that was completely burned during the summer which gives it that eerie look. Other than that, it was a cloudy day and yours truly paid the price for not hiking in a couple of weeks…

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